Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to my new Bboy Soul Kitchen!!

Welcome to my new blog - Bboy Soul Kitchen!!  This blog will be dedicated to my years as a hibachi chef - a japansese flat top grilling with a twist of dynamics adding on tricks like flipping spatulas and forks as well as making fire through onion volcanos.

The blog combines two of my greatest passions - bboying, a Hip Hop style of dance, and cooking.  I will be illustrating and composing recipes that I have either been passed down to me from associate chefs that I have worked with (I'll do my best to give credit) or recipes that I have put together through experimenting or because there just wasn't anything to eat and I whipped up something that ended up tasting the bomb.

To give disclaimers about the contents of my recipes here goes.  My cuisines are a mix of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Lao, and Thai or even fusions.  Sometimes I may do a meal with a Latin or American influence to change it up but the majority have that Far East feel.  I really enjoy balanced meals - carbs (rice, potatoes, tortillas), proteins or meats (red meat, poultry, fish, or tofu), and lots of veggies!  I love giving them a colorful display for visual appeal because nobody likes a boring looking meal.  If you want to impress a date try one of my fancier dishes but make sure it's a fit for your date.  I will not be responsible for missed love connection because you decided to cook Korean BBQ ribs for a vegetarian.  I like to have a drink with my meals so sometimes I may recommend a glass of wine (for the 21 and over of course) or I may just blog a drink i like to enjoy as a recipe - Sake Mojitos!! Woohoo!

With each recipe or post I will include music or artists that have influenced my life or I may just simply like groovin' to it during commuting in the car, riding the CTA, training on the dance floor, or jammin' out in the kitchen while cooking.  My cooking tends to taste better when I'm listening to something that touches my soul during the culinary process.  Included I will have breakdancing footage of myself or others that have influenced my dancing.  My idealogies for dance helped my create concepts that carried over to my career as a hibachi chef which lead me to being a head chef for a short period of time.  Plus it gives my blog a twist besides the typical "here are some recipes. now go cook." 

Please enjoy the blog and feel free to post, ask questions, and add compliments.  The more the merrier.  Feel free to share with friends, relatives, and co-workers.

 In addition to that here's a track I'd like to kick off this blog with.  A breaking track by Ludi called "Ying Yang Technique."  I figured it would fit the Asiatic/Bboy merge of this blog.  One of my partners in dance used a snippet of this track during our performance in Shanghai, China two years ago and again at the Pritzker Pavilion last year in our "5 Styles" breakdancing piece which I will post later.  Enjoy!